Monday, January 9, 2012

New Country, New Start

       As my time at the most magical place on earth comes to an end, I have begun on reflect on my experiences.  I had an amazing time at the University of Central Florida. I made life long friends, good grades, and even made some mistakes...all of which I learned from. In my four years of college, I obtained 2 majors, 5 diverse jobs,  6 different residences, countless amazing friends, and even more incredible memories.  I was a member of an amazing sorority, which finally gave me sisters! I had the honor of performing on stage as a member of an acapella singing group alongside many talented singers. I found the perfect balance between work and play, I took my studies very seriously, but still found time to savor the fun and precious things in life. I would say I have had a stellar college experience, I cannot believe it is rapidly coming to an end this semester!
      My most recent job position has been my favorite, I am so blessed that my uniform is a beautiful yellow ball gown, and that my job description is "to make magic." But, nothing lasts forever, and it is time for me to leave Orlando. I am very excited to embark on my newest adventure. I am leaving the country! I have never even lived  farther than 2 hours away  from my birthplace, so this should be a very interesting opportunity. 
     I am looking forward to experiencing a new culture other than that of Florida. As much as I have loved my time in Orlando, no one really actually lives here, they just come here on vacation. The city is lacking in history and deep rooted culture(which it tries to make up for with countless toll booths and record-breaking traffic)...both things I hope to avoid when I live in England and when I travel to its neighboring countries. My flight departs from Orlando and January 30 and arrives in England! So many thoughts and emotions have been going through my head; excitement, stress, euphoria, nervousness... however, my mind is consumed with much more enthusiasm than trepidation. I absolutely cannot wait to share all of my adventures! Bring it on Eurotrip 2012, I'm ready for you!!


Forever a Knight

A dream is a wish your heart makes....if only....

Dreams, really do come true! Finally got to meet Belle!
This is my dear friend, Princess Belle, I was able to befriend her through my employment with Disney Word!

Key Harmony, my singing group!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! My name is Lily and I found your blog through the UCF Study Abroad website and I'm so glad I did. I'm going to be a freshman at UCF starting in the Summer, majoring in Hospitality Management, and it has always been my dream to study abroad in England. I'm so glad that I can read your blog and see your wonderful adventures in Europe! =]

    -Lily <3
